Thursday, August 16, 2012

A Quick AZ Trip

Just returned from a quick and successful trip to SE Arizona. It was great seeing some birds that I haven't seen since 2008 including Red-faced Warbler, Elegant Trogon, Elf Owl and Short-tailed Hawk, among others. We started out birding Carr Canyon. Mike Lester was nice enough to play tour guide to my dad and I. We camped at the top of Carr Canyon and birded the top in the morning. Buff-bellied Flycatchers were quite abundant, our target for the morning. After birding our way down, we lucked into a pair of Montezuma Quail on the road! The male even posed for pictures.

Another abundant bird we encountered just about everywhere was the amazing Painted Redstart.

We also were amused by this Rufous-crowned Sparrow gathering nesting material.
Virginia's Warbler was nice to come across in a mixed flock of warblers in Carr Canyon.

We stopped in Ash Canyon to take a look for the Plain-capped Starthroat. We scored the consolation prize of Lucifer Hummingbird. An uncommon bird in Arizona this year!

Magnificent Hummingbird is another spectacular bird to have around the feeders in the mountains. I never get tired of these birds.

In Madera Canyon, we found my dad his 600th ABA bird, the Mexican Whip-poor-will. We even got amazing looks at is as it called from a close tree.

On our last day, we visited Rose Lake but failed to find any Greater Pewee. So we drove to Inspiration Lookout and enjoyed the continuing Short-tailed Hawk along with a Zone-tailed Hawk. A great way to end the trip!

I'll be leaving for my next job on August 24th, and will try to keep this blog going. I'll be working in Gambell, Alaska doing Yellow-billed Loon surveys for Fish and Wildlife. If all goes well, I should be in Gambell on August 25th. Check back soon!

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